Monday, 14 March 2011


I am living in a family, which moved to the New Zealand from the Great Britain. Hope it will protect my accent from getting messed with the "kiwi" one.
Tom, my homestay father, is a math proffesor. He is involved in so many activities, that it's almost impossible. But he says: " If you are doing something, you have to do that 100% - 120%". Art, music, sports, markets... awesome and huge range of stuff.
My homestay mother is named Lorna. She is a midwive lecturer. I had no idea what that means. But let's say that she is teaching laides how to help while childbirth. And one more interesting thing, she is a really good singer. She sings a lot especially while preparing some food. I really like it. :)
Joe, my brother, is a cool guy. He is also involved in almost everything. He is heading to Europe  with orchestra (he plays tube) in three weeks.
Lorna and Tom have two more children.. But they are not children anymore. Helen was living with us for the first month, but now she is attending Police University in Wellington. I should also mention Alex, who is the oldes son. He is living with us right now. But it's just for a while, he has to organize his life after the earthquake.
I think I couldn't get a better family. They are active all the time, enjoying their lifes. I thinks that's really important. Yep! One more thing, they are vegetarians, so there is quite a big chance that i will eat healthier food than in Czech :D

Tom and Lorna

Helen (the one it the middle) is doing triathlon. And she is the best in this region..

Joe and his girlfriend Diana. The funny thing is that she is from Slovakia!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures :-)
    your family looks real sweet!
    I hope the earthquake didn't affect you and your family much...
